Talking About Issues That Matter with Teens: Parent/Caregiver Guide | Facing History & Ourselves

Talking About Issues That Matter with Teens: Parent/Caregiver Guide

Get tips for how to support teens in building skills for having productive conversations across different points of view about contentious topics.


  • Advisory


English — US


 Parent Guide: Fostering Civil Discourse Cover with father and daughter sitting on the couch
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Fostering Civil Discourse: How Adults Can Support Teens in Talking About Issues That Matter

Date of Publication: September 2023

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How we talk about things matters. But in our polarized country, how can we express our opinion while leaving room for someone else’s viewpoint? How can we ensure that our discussions are rooted in reliable information and that we treat each other with dignity and respect while discussing contentious topics? How can we engage in productive conversations with those whose beliefs conflict with our own? And how can we help our children develop these critical skills?

This resource provides tips for parents and family members to support teens in building and practicing skills that are fundamental to having productive conversations across different points of view. Review these tips before engaging in a challenging conversation with your teen, especially one in which you hold different or conflicting points of view on issues in the news or current events.

How to Cite This Guide

Facing History & Ourselves, “Talking About Issues That Matter with Teens: Parent/Caregiver Guide”, last updated September 12, 2023.

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