Apprendre à écouter / Écouter pour apprendre Stratégie Pédagogique | Facing History & Ourselves
Facing History & Ourselves
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Three students sitting in a classroom with one of the students talking.
Stratégie Pédagogique

Apprendre à écouter / Écouter pour apprendre

Structurer une discussion qui utilise la tenue d'un cahier de réflexion et le travail de groupe pour renforcer les capacités d'écoute des élèves.




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This resource is intended for educators in France. Cette ressource est destinée aux enseignants en France.


Le groupe de discussion est un format qui aide les élèves à développer leur aptitude à débattre et surtout à s’écouter les uns les autres. C’est très utile quand on aborde des sujets qui prêtent à controverse.

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Étapes de la mise en œuvre

Avant de procéder à un échange d’idées, il est important de donner aux élèves l’occasion de clarifier leur point de vue. Nous suggérons de leur donner cinq à dix minutes pour noter dans leur journal ce qu’ils pensent du sujet dont ils vont débattre. Ensuite, on leur demande de souligner ou surligner les idées qu’ils trouvent les plus intéressantes ou qu’ils aimeraient partager.

Diviser la classe en petits groupes de quatre ou cinq élèves. Chaque groupe devrait alors nommer un animateur qui veille au bon déroulement de la discussion. Chacun à son tour lit un extrait de ce qu’il a écrit dans son journal au reste du groupe. Personne n’interrompt celui qui parle pendant cette première phase. Et lorsque vient son tour, un élève n’est pas censé répondre directement à un point soulevé par un autre. L’important, c’est qu’ils parlent de leurs propres réactions et de leur propre ressenti.

Les petits groupes se mettent ensuite à discuter librement de ce qu’ils viennent d’entendre. Avant d’entamer cette étape, expliquez aux élèves qu’il ne s’agit pas de débattre des connaissances de chacun ni de défendre ou critiquer un point de vue. Ce qui est important, c’est de s’écouter les uns les autres et de prendre conscience de la diversité des opinions, craintes ou espoirs. Il faut aussi leur rappeler qu’ils ne tomberont pas nécessairement tous d’accord, et que le but est de mieux comprendre tant son propre point de vue que celui des autres. Après 10 à 15 minutes de discussion, les groupes devraient choisir deux ou trois idées qui ressortent de leur conversation pour les présenter au reste de la classe.

Les petits groupes exposent leurs idées les plus importantes au reste de la classe. Vous pouvez animer une discussion générale en partant de ces idées ou passer directement aux réflexions dans le journal.

Donnez aux élèves la possibilité de relire ce qu’ils ont écrit dans leur journal au début de cette activité. Puis demandez-leur de décrire comment leurs idées ont évolué. Leurs convictions se sont-elles renforcées ou modifiées ? Il est possible que certains élèves aient même complètement changé d’attitude, qu’ils éprouvent un sentiment d’incertitude ou aient de nouvelles interrogations. Pour les aider, vous pouvez poser des questions comme : Qu’avez-vous appris au cours de cette activité ? Quelles sont les questions qu’elle vous a amenés à vous poser ? Qu’est-ce qui a été le plus éclairant : écouter ou présenter vos propres idées ? Expliquez votre réponse.

Steps for Remote Implementation

The following questions can help you plan to use Learn to Listen, Listen to Learn for remote learning:

  1. What collaborative digital tool(s) do I want to use to facilitate this activity?
  2. How am I going to deliver instructions to students about completing the activity?
  3. How often am I going to monitor the discussion?
  4. If teaching asynchronously, what is the defined time period I want to set for completing the activity?

Students can complete this either synchronously or asynchronously.

Determine how you want to introduce your students to the activity (for example, through video or written instructions or during a synchronous meeting). You can adapt and share the Instructions for Students listed below. Share the stimulus for the discussion with students as well (for example, a text, image, or questions they can discuss).

It is important to give students the opportunity to clarify their views before they share their ideas with their groups. Ask students to spend five to ten minutes writing in their journals about the topic they will be discussing. This step can be completed asynchronously ahead of time.

Assign students to small groups. If teaching synchronously, ask students to assign the following roles within their groups for the discussion: facilitator, timekeeper, and summarizer. The facilitator will keep time and lead the discussion. The timekeeper will keep track of time. The summarizer will report out to the class.

Students can share their reflections either synchronously or asynchronously with their small groups. For synchronous sharing, have each group meet in a virtual breakout room. Each student should take a turn sharing their thoughts and feelings on the topic (for one to two minutes) with their groups. Students should not interrupt the speaker, and when it is their turn, they should not respond directly to a point someone else has made, but instead, focus on sharing their own feelings and reactions in response to the initial prompt. They can read selections from their journal entry as part of their response.

For asynchronous sharing, ask students to write or record their responses and post them in a shared document/online forum (such as Google Docs, Google Jamboard, Padlet, Flipgrid, or VoiceThread). Give students a set period of time to post their responses (one to two days), and at the end of that period of time, students should listen to or read their group members’ responses.

This step can be completed either synchronously or asynchronously. If students shared their initial responses synchronously, they can stay on the same call for this discussion. You may also ask students who shared their initial responses asynchronously to join a synchronous call with their small groups for this phase of the discussion.

Students can also engage in this discussion asynchronously during a defined time period (one to two days) with their groups. Ask them to post new written comments or voice recordings to the same document/online forum they used to share their initial responses.

Share open-ended questions with students that they can use to guide their synchronous or asynchronous discussions, such as:

  • What new ideas did you learn from reading/hearing your groupmates’ responses?

  • What questions do you want to ask the other members of your group to find out more about their views on this topic?

  • After reading/hearing the responses from the other members of your group, is there anything you want to add to your response?

Small groups can share two to three key ideas that came up during their small group discussions with the class during a synchronous class call or by submitting their ideas to a document or forum shared by the whole class. You can also omit this step and move directly from small group discussions to individual exit cards.

Ask students to re-read their initial journal entries and to describe on an exit card how their ideas have changed. Perhaps their ideas have grown stronger, or maybe they have shifted a little. It is possible that some students have completely changed their attitudes or that the conversations have left them uncertain or with new questions. Prompts you might use on an exit card include the following:

  • What went well during this activity? Was there anything challenging or unclear about the activity?
  • What did you learn from this activity?
  • What questions are you left with?
  • What did you learn more from—listening to/reading your classmates’ responses or presenting your own ideas? Explain your answer.

This step can be completed asynchronously. Students should submit their completed exit cards to the teacher.

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Facing History & Ourselves is designed for educators who want to help students explore identity, think critically, grow emotionally, act ethically, and participate in civic life. It’s hard work, so we’ve developed some go-to professional learning opportunities to help you along the way.

Using the strategies from Facing History is almost like an awakening.
— Claudia Bautista, Santa Monica, Calif