Complexity of Identity Exit Card (En Español) | Facing History & Ourselves

Complexity of Identity Exit Card (En Español)

In Spanish, have students complete this exit card at the end of the lesson to capture a snapshot of their thinking about the complexity of identity.


  • English & Language Arts


Also available in:
English — US


This resource is intended for educators in the United States who are applying Spanish-language resources in the classroom.

Tarjeta de egreso sobre la complejidad de la identidad

Teaching Note: What appears below is a preview of this handout. Please download the PDF or Google Doc to get the full handout, which includes additional elements specifically designed for student use.

Indicaciones: piense en lo que ha aprendido sobre la identidad en los recientes períodos de clase. Luego utilice los conectores iniciadores para compartir sus ideas.

Tarjeta de egreso



Antes creía que... sobre la identidad.



Pero ahora creo que...



¿Quién, o qué, le ayudó a pensar en la identidad de forma diferente?

How to Cite This Handout

Facing History & Ourselves, “Complexity of Identity Exit Card (En Español)”, last updated February 25, 2021.

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