Stitching Truth: Women's Protest Art in Pinochet's Chile | Facing History & Ourselves

Stitching Truth: Women's Protest Art in Pinochet's Chile

This resource helps students explore the courageous stories of the women in Chile who challenged the silence and terror imposed by Pinochet's dictatorship from 1973–1990.


  • Social Studies


English — US


Stitching Truth: Women's Protest Art in Pinochet's Chile Cover
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Stitching Truth: Women's Protest Art in Pinochet's Chile

ISBN: 978-0-9798440-2-7
Date of Publication: December 2008


Format: Print Book
Cost: $11.95

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Stitching Truth: Women's Protest Art in Pinochet's Chile is the story of the sisters, wives, and mothers who made up the women's protest movement in Chile during Pinochet's dictatorship (1973–1990). It is an incredible story of courage and resistance. Facing what would seem like insurmountable odds, the women challenged silence and terror imposed by Pinochet, his military, and his secret police.

This resource includes connections questions for student reflection, suggested further reading, and primary source documents.

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