Red Scarf Girl | Facing History & Ourselves

Red Scarf Girl

A child's nightmare unfolds in Ji-li Jiang's chronicle of the excesses of Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution in China in the late 1960s.


  • English & Language Arts
  • History


English — US


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Red Scarf Girl

Date of Publication: August 2022


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by Ji-li Jiang

In 1966, Ji-li Jiang was twelve years old. An outstanding student and leader in her school, she had everything: brains, ability, the admiration of her peers--and a shining future in Chairman Mao's New China. But all that changed with the advent of the Cultural Revolution, when intelligence became a crime and a wealthy family background invited persecution or worse. For the next few years, Ji-li and her family were humiliated and reviled by their former friends, neighbors, and colleagues, and lived in constant terror of arrest. At last, with the detention of her father, Ji-li was faced with the most dreadful decision of her life: denounce him and break with her family, or refuse to testify and sacrifice her future in her beloved Communist Party. This memoir gives a child's-eye view of a terrifying time in twentieth-century history and one family's courage under fire.

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The resources I’m getting from my colleagues through Facing History have been just invaluable.
— Claudia Bautista, Santa Monica, Calif