The Reconstruction Era and the Fragility of Democracy | Facing History & Ourselves

The Reconstruction Era and the Fragility of Democracy

This resource guides students through a deep exploration of the pivotal era of American history when a nation divided by slavery and war was challenged to rebuild.


  • History
  • Social Studies


English — US


Cover of The Reconstruction Era and the Fragility of Democracy.
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The Reconstruction Era and the Fragility of Democracy

ISBN: 978-1-940457-10-9
Date of Publication: December 2015


Format: Print Book
Cost: $28.95

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The Reconstruction Era and The Fragility of Democracy uses our pedagogical approach to help students examine how a society rebuilds after extraordinary division and trauma, when the ideals of democracy are most vulnerable. It provides history teachers with dozens of primary and secondary source documents, close reading exercises, lesson plans, and activity suggestions that will push students to build a complex understanding of the dilemmas and conflicts Americans faced during Reconstruction and to identify the legacies of this history that extended through the twentieth century to the present day. 

These materials will help students examine themes such as historical memory, justice, and civic participation in a democracy. The unit also includes a variety of interdisciplinary teaching strategies that reinforce historical and literacy skills.

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The resources I’m getting from my colleagues through Facing History have been just invaluable.
— Claudia Bautista, Santa Monica, Calif