I Promised I Would Tell | Facing History & Ourselves

I Promised I Would Tell

Survivor Sonia Schreiber Weitz bears witness to the Holocaust through poetry and testimony in this powerful memoir.


  • English & Language Arts
  • History


English — US


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I Promised I Would Tell

ISBN: 0-9615841-3-0
Date of Publication: December 2022


Format: Print Book
Cost: $10.00

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Holocaust educator and survivor Sonia Schreiber Weitz has been called “a survivor with a poet’s eye.” I Promised I Would Tell is her memoir telling her story of survival through more than two dozen poems in which she bears witness to the unspeakable. Through poetry and testimony, Weitz gives life to the millions of children, men, and women who were murdered during the Holocaust.

Born in Krakow, Poland, Weitz was 11 years old when her family and other Polish Jews were herded into ghettos. Of the 84 members of her family, she and her sister Blanca were the sole survivors of years in ghettos and concentration camps. She turned to poetry at an early age to cope with her emotions.

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