Civic Agency and the Pursuit of Democracy | Facing History & Ourselves

Civic Agency and the Pursuit of Democracy

This elective, designed for New York’s Seal of Civic Readiness, intertwines the history of US Reconstruction, current events, and civic participation.


  • Civics & Citizenship
  • History
  • Social Studies


English — US


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Civic Agency and the Pursuit of Democracy

Date of Publication: July 2023

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Facing History & Ourselves has partnered with New York City Public Schools’ Civics for All initiative to offer this semester-long Civics elective, designed to help high school students earn points toward the Seal of Civic Readiness. The Civics for All team will automatically accredit this Facing History elective, and the included civic participation project, for the Seal when submitted by your NYC school for approval.

Taking the Reconstruction era as a historical case study, and threading in thematically linked current events lessons, students will have repeated opportunities to make connections between key moments of civic engagement in the past and present. The course culminates in a civic participation project, allowing students to apply their studies in their communities. This elective may be supplemented by our Civic Knowledge Research Project, also designed to meet Seal requirements.

New York City Public Schools offering the Seal of Civic Readiness can learn more about the criteria required for earning the Seal by accessing the NYCDOE-specific Seal of Civic Readiness Handbook.

How to Cite This Guide

Facing History & Ourselves, “Civic Agency and the Pursuit of Democracy”, last updated August 24, 2023.

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