Propaganda Posters (en español) | Facing History & Ourselves

Propaganda Posters (en español)

Have students analyze these examples of Nazi propaganda using the Crop It teaching strategy. This gallery is in Spanish.


  • History


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English — US


This resource is intended for educators in the United States who are applying Spanish-language resources in the classroom.

Propaganda Posters

Have students analyze these examples of Nazi propaganda using the Crop It teaching strategy.

Nazi Recruitment Propaganda

This mid-1930s poster says, “The NSDAP [Nazi Party] protects the people. Your fellow comrades need your advice and help, so join the local party organization. 

Glasshouse Images / Alamy

Hitler Youth Propaganda

This 1935 poster promotes the Hitler Youth by stating: “Youth serves the Führer! All ten-year-olds into the Hitler Youth.” 


Antisemitic Children's Book

From the 1938 antisemitic children’s book The Poisonous Mushroom. The boy is drawing a nose on the chalkboard, and the caption reads: “The Jewish nose is crooked at its tip. It looks like a 6.”

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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