John Singer Sargent, Gassed, 1919 (en español) | Facing History & Ourselves

John Singer Sargent, Gassed, 1919 (en español)

John Singer Sargent painted Gassed in 1919, depicting the effects of chemical weapons used by Germans against the British in the Battle of Arras on August 21, 1918. This resource is in Spanish.


  • History
  • Social Studies


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English — US


This resource is intended for educators in the United States who are applying Spanish-language resources in the classroom.

Gaseados de John Singer Sargent, 1919

Gaseados de John Singer Sargent, 1919

John Singer Sargent pintó Gaseados en 1919, en donde representa los efectos de las armas químicas que utilizaron los alemanes contra los ingleses en la Batalla de Arrás el 21 de agosto de 1918. 

Imperial War Museums (Art.IWM ART 1460)

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